We Grow as Giants
In Grades 11 and 12, EAC offers the option for students to complete coursework that will qualify them for the International Baccalaureate diploma. Although the IB diploma is not required for graduation, all courses in Grades 11 and 12 are based on the IB syllabi. The IB requires students to take at least 3 higher level (HL) courses and 3 standard level (SL) courses. HL courses are differentiated from SL course by a greater depth and breadth of material and different assessment requirements. As IB is a 2 year program, students must complete Grade 11 IB coursework in order to be eligible to attempt the diploma. Students transferring from other IB schools will need to have a record of all the IB work they have completed. A student may transfer in to EAC without having done Grade 11 IB work, but they will not be eligible for the IB diploma, unless the student attended an IB school in junior year and took courses also offered at EAC.
Our current offerings in the IB programm are: