Building Our Future

Over many years, the Board of Trustees and the Head of School have been developing and implementing an evolving Facilities Master Plan (FMP), ensuring that our assets are utilized in a strategic manner. As we advance towards EAC’s 70th anniversary, our focus lies on our continuous growth as a community and with our school facilities, so that we can continue to nurture our current and future generation of Giants. 

“How can we rethink our facilities to enrich future learning, while preserving the rich cultural heritage that is EAC? The Facilities Master Plan provides an adaptable “road map” to guide the growth and improvement of our learning spaces.” – Dr. Michael Arcidiacono, Head of School.

Throughout the FMP development process we have delved into the minutia of school advancement, while keeping to our heritage.  Find out more about our latest FMP-related communication by accessing EAC’s YouTube channel.

The Arts Center has been an integral part of the FMP.  Its design process has been multifaceted and has counted in the involvement of many faculty and staff members. The arts department’s academic team has visited numerous arts-related venues and has collaborated with the architect and construction team to ensure that the Arts Center will house and adapt to the educational needs of our students. 

Our campus is outfitted and prepared for its construction. We are pleased to share with the community our progress towards building our much-anticipated Arts Center. To view the Arts Center 3D model, click on the logo below.


  • Groundbreaking: Scheduled to be built first, Groundbreaking Phase will build a Performance Foyer, over 10+ specialized classrooms designated for Whole School arts-related curricular activities, and a complementary area for the Restaurant. 
  • Restaurant Retrofit: Expansion of the Restaurant and its enclosure, connecting the Arts Center to the Restaurant.

  • Theater: A 500+ seat state-of-the-art Theater with a dedicated Campus and Arts Center Access Point

  • External Arts Center Access Point: The Arts Center will be able to be accessed externally, as will main Office departments including Admissions. The new EAC entrance will further our commitment to Safeguarding/Child Protection, as visitors will only have immediate access to dedicated facilities.

  • 2nd Level of Visual Arts Classrooms: More classrooms will be built for the Whole School Visual Arts classes. A noteworthy side benefit is that once additional classes are able to be held in the new classrooms, space will be freed in the Elementary, Middle and High School buildings.


  • School operations will remain as normal, with major construction happening during the vacation breaks. Disruption will be minimal during the school year and learning will not be impacted. In fact, the benefit of the Arts Center’s phased delivery is that it will offer more learning spaces as they are completed.

  • Construction areas will be sectioned off and students will not have access to them (and neither will construction workers to the rest of the school). We are committed to our Safeguarding / Child Protection guidelines in ensuring the continued safeguarding of all children on campus.

  • In summary, the Arts Center will bring us:
    • A Whole School performance foyer 
    • New specialized classrooms
    • An expanded Restaurant with even more ample seating
    • A building connecting the Arts Center to the Restaurant 
    • A safe, sectioned-off campus access point 
    • A state-of-the-art Theatre with over 500 seat capacity
    • A new building for our Main Office departments
    • An new external access for events

  • For more on how we will grow with the Arts Center, please refer to the renderings above and check back often for updates.


Watch this video and see the future site of the EAC Arts Center.

December 2023

In partnership with one of the most renowned architects in the country, Professor FAAUUSP Siegbert Zanettini and staff members of his company Zanettini Arquitetura, and after a thorough and rigorous bid process, Costa Feitosa has been selected to build EAC’s Arts Center. 

Costa Feitosa construction company has been operating in the civil construction field for the past 25 years, and is recognized nationally for the construction of buildings for the education market, serving a wide range from preschool to higher education. Their portfolio includes work built-to-suit for main education groups such as: PUC, Cogna S/A, Anhanguera Educacional, Anima, Cruzeiro do Sul, Pearson, amongst others.

“We believe that the customer defines the supplier, so we would like to thank EAC Campinas/SP for choosing the name Costa Feitosa to carry out this grand project, which we vow to deliver with the highest-level quality, compliance and integrity.” – Tércio Costa Feitosa, Construtora Costa Feitosa.