We Grow as Giants

Meet the team:

Helena Castilho is an EAC alumna and has been working as a High School Counselor since the 2020-2021 academic year. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Redeemer University College in Canada and a Master’s of Science from the State University of New York in Multidisciplinary Studies. Prior to joining the high school team, Helena has worked as a clinical psychologist and as a student support specialist.

Marta Bidoli joined the High School counseling team in the 2021-22 academic year. She has supported students applying to universities abroad since 2011 and has worked as a comprehensive high school counselor since 2017. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Letras from the University of São Paulo and a Master’s of Education from Lehigh University in International School Counseling.

The Upper School provides students in Grades 9-12 with personalized socioemotional, career and university counseling. Early academic planning is critical in helping students achieve long term success by aligning their strengths and interests with university programs and career paths.

Beginning in Grade 9, students meet with counselors on a weekly basis and begin to explore their interests, aptitudes and strengths. In grade 10, students are encouraged to elaborate on their experiences exploring careers, taking the Morrisby Test, understanding their International Baccalaureate Diploma options, and starting to connect their skills, interests and aptitudes to potential areas of study and careers.In Grade 11, the program focuses on individual and group planning for college, but also on bringing awareness to and increasing coping skills that will support students in the upcoming testing cycle. Students also participate in a job shadowing experience. In grade 12, counselors meet with students weekly in class but also increase individual conversations to support university applications.

More specifically, all EAC Grade 9-12 students receive the following support and services:

  • Support in transitioning to High School
  • Development of skills, academic and interpersonal, to support high school success
  • Administration of personality and strengths inventories.
  • Administration of career interest assessments.
  • Support to create a curriculum vitae.
  • Counseling in course selection for the IB Diploma Program.
  • Individualized student and parent meetings about the university admissions process.
  • Introduction to the international university admissions processes.
  • Parent information sessions on the university admissions process and the transition to university.
  • University search and exploration.
  • Coordinating visits from university admissions representatives.
  • Scholarship/financial aid information sessions.
  • Support to write university admissions essays, personal statements, and letters of interest.
  • Guidance on obtaining letters of recommendation.
  • Preparing and submitting university applications.
  • Transcripts to support university applications.
  • Guidance on registering for on-site SAT and ACT university admissions assessments.
  • Assistance with GAP year decisions.
  • Assistance with financial aid applications.
  • Student study visa advice.

EAC is committed to preparing each student for a life after high school that is aligned with their strengths, interests, and aptitudes.